Take Your Coaching Business to the Next Level 


Learn proven strategies from 6- and 7-figure coaches to help you apply high-leverage coaching skills, grow your coaching business, and create content to grow your audience and attract life-changing opportunities.

The Community of Fellow Coaches You've Been Looking For

This exclusive community is for coaches who want to scale their impact and income in a values-aligned way so they can make money doing meaningful work and pursue their definition of success.

âś… Connect with fellow coaches from all over the world on a similar journey who "get it."

âś… Learn from successful 6- and 7-figure guest speakers building incredible businesses.

âś… Access premium workshops, playbooks, trainings, and strategy sessions on a variety of topics

(including navigating burnout, building an authentic personal brand, overcoming limiting beliefs, creating content to position yourself as a thought leader and attract life-changing opportunities, scaling as a solopreneur, etc.).

âś… Plus much more.

You’ll learn from other coaches.

You’ll share your own strengths, insights, and strategies with your fellow coaches.

And you’ll get access to tons of premium resources to help you building your coaching business.

The Problem with the Coaching Industry

The coaching field is the wild west.

I’ve had months where I made $0 and months where I made $27K—so I know how much of an emotional rollercoaster being a coach running your own business can be.

There aren’t any real guidelines or support to help you succeed as a coach.

Yes, there are a few organizations that will print you off a certification if you pay them thousands of dollars and spend months jumping through their hoops.

But there aren’t great resources out there for coaches who want to learn how to actually run a coaching business instead of learning theories from academics who haven’t run a business in years (if ever).

When I started my coaching journey, I didn’t have any experience running a business, building my reputation as a coach, or creating content to position myself as a trusted source or attract opportunities.

And I didn’t know where to turn for help.

But over the years building my own coaching business, I’ve had tons of opportunities to meet (and learn from) incredible coaches and entrepreneurs. And I’ve learned a lot (the hard way) about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to succeeding as a coach.

Which is why I started YFC, so coaches can learn from (and teach) fellow coaches—hence the name, Your Fellow Coaches.


The Philosophy of the YFC Community is Simple...

If I share what I know with you.

And you share what you know with me.

Then we both know twice as much as we did on our own.

Multiply this by 50, 100, 1,000 coaches sharing what we all know and imagine the possibilities.


The YFC Mission to Help You Grow as a Coach

Too many coaches build their business in isolation because they can’t find a community tailored to them.

Finding the right community of the right peers is incredibly difficult and mostly up to luck.

I was lucky enough to find a small group of incredible coaches early on in my career.

This group helped me:

  • Launch my first course
  • Triple my coaching rate
  • Create content that attracted life-changing opportunities I’d only daydreamed about

Opportunities like working with world-renowned entrepreneurs like Ali Abdaal and getting on incredible podcasts like Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn and Modern Wisdom with Chris Williamson, and earn powerful social proof.

Without paying some shady agency to get me on a local FOX-affiliate early morning talk show segment just so I could put “As seen on FOX” on my website.

Real, earned social proof from real people.


What Do People Say About My Work?

"I really appreciate your work. I really appreciate the input that you’ve got. I appreciate the insight that you bring as well. I like the fact that you’re bridging the clinical with the coaching side, too."

- Chris Williamson

"[Corey's episode on the Smart Passive Income Podcast] is a masterclass on your mindset.

You gotta check him out."


- Pat Flynn

Why Join Today?

The Power of the YFC Community

The YFC Community is the community I wish I’d had early on and aims to capture the transformative power of being part of a tight-knit, supportive community like the one I lucked into all those years ago for coaches like you.

Because to truly unlock our personal and professional potential, we need the accountability and support of a live community of incredible peers.

Sign up today to join our upcoming events. 

When was the last time you joined a community where you could influence the direction of it?

Well we just had our Community Kickoff Call and something amazing happened...

I announced our first community challenge would be learning to build an online course based on the coaching frameworks you're already using.

Because it's what I thought they needed.

But when I asked the YFC Community members, they said something else would be even more valuable to them right now...

Refining their core offer and frameworks as a coach.

So we put it to a vote.

And now, our first community challenge will be on clarifying, refining, or redefining your core offer as a coach.

This is why I founded the YFC Community.

It's for coaches, by coaches.

If you're a coach looking for a community to help you level up your business, join the YFC Community today!


Overcome Analysis Paralysis and Start Taking Action

"Without [the YFC Community], I would still be sitting around thinking about coaching, researching how to coach and how to build a coaching business, preparing to coach - but not actually DOING anything to get me closer to being a coach."


- Jan Schloesser, Ph.D.
Life Coach for Multipassionate Adventurers of Life

Start Scaling Your Income and Impact Alongside a Community of Fellow Coaches Today


Our First Community Challenge:

Refining Your Core Offer and Coaching Frameworks

In our first community challenge you'll get everything you need to clarify, refine, or redefine your Core Offer as a coach.

Before you can build courses, create content to showcase how you think and attract life-changing opportunities, or become known as the coach in your industry—you have to figure out your thing.

  • Who you help
  • What you help them do
  • How you help them do it
  • Why you're the coach to work with
  • What makes you and your approach unique

These are all part of what makes your Core Offer so powerful and transformative for your clients.

It took me years of experimenting, researching, and blindly fumbling in the dark to finally refine my Core Offer.

Because of one huge problem...

I was doing it alone.

If I'd had a community to help bounce ideas off of, give me feedback on what worked and what didn't, and practice my frameworks on, I could've had my Core Offer in no time.

As a member of the YFC Community, you'll have a huge advantage to succeed.

As soon as you join, you'll have instant access to the Core Offer challenge (along with tons of other resources).

By the end of the Core Offer challenge, you'll walk away with clarity on:

  • Who you help
  • Why you help them
  • What you help them achieve
  • How you help them achieve it
  • What makes you the only coach to work with for this transformation
  • How to come up with frameworks that facilitate your ideal client's desired transformation
  • How to structure these frameworks into a proprietary system that will become the foundation of your coaching practice, future courses, and dozens of pieces of content to position your as a thought leader and the go-to coach in your niche

With your Core Offer ready to launch, you'll be able to start:

  • Building a reputation with fellow coaches
  • Getting recommended by clients to their network
  • Establishing yourself as the go-to coach in your industry
  • Helping your clients achieve truly transformational outcomes

If you’ve been struggling to refine your Core Offer and create truly transformational coaching frameworks and systems, this challenge will help you finally unlock this most fundamental part of your coaching business.

Future challenges and events will be voted on by the YFC Community, which means you influence the direction of what we do!

Here's what community members have to say about our first challenge:

The YFC Community is Built to Fit Into Your Busy Schedule

If you’ve joined other communities in the past, don’t worry—the YFC Community is designed to not be overwhelming with dozens of channels to keep up with.

We’re intentionally keeping it as simple and streamlined as possible so you can focus on spending time interacting with people instead of trying to figure out where everything is and filter out useless content.

We have coaches from all over the world, including the US, Europe, Japan, and Australia. So we know coordinating live events can be inconvenient.

We’ve designed it to focus on asynchronous discussions and content to conveniently fit into your busy schedule.

Plus regular live events to accommodate different time zones and community accountability to help you make significant progress in your business and achieve incredible results alongside a supportive community of fellow coaches.

Who's Already in the Community?

Our members range from coaches who are brand-new, to full-time coaches with formal credentials, including:

  • Executive leadership coaches
  • Accountability coaches
  • Relationship coaches
  • Transition coaches
  • Business coaches
  • Wellness coaches
  • Founder coaches
  • Career coaches
  • Life coaches

Our members come from a variety of backgrounds from all over the world, including:

  • Psychologists
  • Academia
  • YouTubers
  • Executives
  • Startups
  • Therapists
  • Writers
  • Military

Plus many more!

If you're a coach who wishes you had a community of fellow coaches to help you grow (yourself and your business), the YFC Community just might be what you've been looking for.


Whether You're a Pro or Brand New,

There's Room for You in the YFC Community


"Becoming a coach is something that was a brand new idea a month ago. I tend to put off or hesitate when it comes to doing new and big life-changing things, so in my head, I wouldn’t be calling myself a “relationship coach” or starting to see clients for a good few years. I figured it would take me that long to get everything figured out and feel like I was ready enough.

This community, both the core offer challenge and the support/encouragement from everyone in here, has made it to where I’m already sorting out the details and creating frameworks to help clients. It’s made the entire process of becoming a coach less scary and intimidating.

My confidence is growing and I already know that the off handed comment I made a month ago of “Ha, who knows maybe I’ll become a relationship coach” is leading me down the path I’ve been searching for these past few years."


- Rychelle Moses
Relationship Coach

Join Today and Get Exclusive Benefits

When you join, you’ll also get:

  • A 30-minute private strategy call with me to talk about your business and how to take it to the next level, or anything else you need help with ($500 value)
  • Access to World-Class Coaching, a highly rated on-demand course that walks you through everything from the fundamental coaching skills every great coach masters first, how to get your first clients, how to build a value ladder of products and services, creating content to attract incredible opportunities, and so much more ($350 value)

The value of the call and course alone is $850, not including all the upcoming trainings, community events, and exclusive lineup of guest speakers.

What could you achieve this year with a community of fellow coaches actively building alongside you—ready to offer support, guidance, and accountability?

We'd love to have you join us as we scale the income and impact of our coaching businesses together through a combination of:

  • Live office hours
  • Asynchronous discussions
  • Quarterly challenges and build sprints
  • Fireside chats with incredible guest speakers
  • And much more

Ready to join?

This exclusive community is for coaches who want to scale their income and impact alongside other coaches to learn from, support, and network with to help each other succeed.

You’ll learn the strategies top personal and executive coaches around the world leverage to stand out from the competition, build a business that supports their lifestyle, and attract opportunities most people only ever daydream about.

If you're ready to scale your impact and income as a coach, alongside a supportive community of fellow coaches, join the YFC Community today.

The Strategy Call Alone is Worth The Price of Admission

"[I had a] phenomenal call with Corey, more than worth the price of admission to the community alone, and I now have much stronger clarity for what I want to do going forward. "


- Jon Denton
YouTuber + Coach

Start Scaling Your Income and Impact Alongside a Community of Fellow Coaches Today


As Part of Your Membership, You Also Get Access to World-Class Coaching...

This on-demand course includes video recordings, written content, and practical exercises to help you hone your skills. 

Total watch time: 5 hours, 45 minutes.

Total core modules: 45


Laying the Foundation for Success

Before you can start coaching, you need to understand its foundations, including:


âś… The Psychology of Coaching

âś… Which is Which? Coaching vs. Consultation vs. Therapy

âś… Why Do People Hire a Coach?

âś… The Biggest Mistake New Coaches Make

âś… Dealing with Imposter Syndrome


With these foundations in place, you're ready to start building your coaching skills!


Basic Skills: Mastering the Fundamentals

What's the main difference between mediocre coaches and the greatest in the world?

World-class coaches spend decades honing the fundamentals, including:


âś… Laying the Foundation of the Coaching Relationship by Creating Psychological Safety

âś… How to Ask Questions That Foster Deep Insight

âś… What Most People Get Wrong About Active Listening

âś… Finding Leverage to Help Get Your Clients Overcome Ambivalence and Take Action

âś… How to Think Like a Scientist and Stop Making Assumptions

âś… Identifying Blind Spots Holding You Back as a Coach

âś… Learning to Operate in the Grey

âś… Avoiding Rigidity and Learning to Adapt

âś… Leveraging Pattern Recognition to Help Your Client Connect the Dots

âś… The Art of Collaboration


Once you've got these down, you're ready to move on to the next level of coaching!


Intermediate Skills: The Business of Coaching

You've developed the raw skills of how to coach. Now it's time to learn the skills to become a coach, including:


âś… Combining Fundamentals to Develop Fluidity

âś… How to Land Your First Few Clients

âś… Choosing the Right CRM

âś… When Should You Create A Contract?

âś… Pricing: Targeting Clients Who Can Afford Your Rates

âś… Positioning: Clarifying What Kind of Coach You Want To Be, Who You Help, and How You Help Them

âś… Dissecting Effective Discovery Calls

âś… Understanding What Your Clients Actually Want From Coaching


Once you've put these skills into practice, it's time to start making a name for yourself...


Advanced Skills: Becoming World-Class

By now, you know how to be an effective coach. But you need a few more skills to become a world-class coach, including:


âś… How to Create Frameworks and Mental Models For Your Clients

âś… Building a Value Ladder: 1:1, Group Coaching, Courses, Products, and More

 âś… How Great Coaches Attract Opportunities To Themselves

âś… Permissionless Approaches to Coaching

âś… Building Your Content Ecosystem To Attract Opportunities 24/7/365

âś… How to Become The Best In The World At What You Do


With all these skills in place, you're ready to go out and make a name for yourself as a world-class coach.



Bonus Content

✅ Recommended Resources

✅ Special Considerations for Therapists

✅ Frameworks I Use With Coaching Clients

✅ 15 High-Impact Questions to Ask Your Clients

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy Team Has Been Using These Coaching Skills to Help Students Excel

Here's what they have to say about the methods you'll learn in World-Class Coaching:

"Corey's absolutely awesome and I'm so grateful for this course and just for him in general. He's got such a great, chill vibe and a really down-to-earth, no-bullshit way of delivering stuff and answering questions."

- Bhav
Head of Operations, PTYA

"Corey does a fantastic job at delivering distilled, experienced wisdom and teaching in a remarkably practical and down-to-earth way. 

He's no-bullshit, and won't try to mask any of the realities of being a coach. 

The skills and confidence I've developed from this course have dramatically accelerated my growth as a budding coach."

- Tommy Mallen
Former Director, PTYA



"Corey has a no bullshit attitude to teaching and breaks everything down in such a great way."

- Alison Bergin
Operations Associate, PTYA


Start Scaling Your Income and Impact Alongside a Community of Fellow Coaches Today


Who's the Founder of the YFC Community?



Corey Wilks, Psy.D.

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • Executive Coach
  • Entrepreneur
  • Writer

As Seen In:


Hey, I'm Dr. Corey Wilks

I've coached VC-backed founders, CEOs, 7-figure creators, and bootstrapped entrepreneurs across industries (AI, CPG, tech, media, etc.).

You may have seen me on Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn, Modern Wisdom with Chris Williamson, or The Pathless Path with Paul Millerd. 

I believe too many people die regretting not having done more with their lives.

So I want to help as many entrepreneurs reach their potential as I can with the time I have left.

Time is our most precious resource—it’s the one thing we can never get more of once it’s gone.

Everything I do is about helping entrepreneurs like you reach their potential and make the most of the time they have left.

I've worked with some of the biggest names in the creator space like Ali Abdaal, and have worked with creator communities like:

  • David Perell's Write of Passage
  • Jay Clouse's Creator Science Lab
  • Justin Moore's Brand Deal Wizard
  • Tim Stoddart's Copyblogger Academy
  • Ali Abdaal's Part-Time YouTuber Academy

I'm also a contributor for Psychology Today, where hundreds of thousands of people around the world have read my content exploring the psychology of human flourishing, fulfillment, and what gets in our way.

I also write a free weekly newsletter, where I explore the psychology of how to succeed in life and business.

I’ve spent the last 16+ years studying psychology and helping people overcome obstacles, reach their potential, and build a fulfilling life and thriving business.

I'd love to help you learn to do the same.

This is why I've founded the YFC Community. So coaches have a supportive community to come together, learn from each other, share what they know.

What Have My Clients Achieved?

"My life and business have already improved significantly since working with Corey.
In a shockingly short period of time, we were able to do some major big-picture work - distilling down my values, identifying the kind of life I want to build, honing in on meaningful projects - and develop tactical plans for execution that aligned with those big-picture objectives and intelligently accounted for any obstacles that were likely to arise.
I'm already further down multiple paths than I could've imagined."
- Alex M.
Entrepreneur, Wallaroo


Alex isn't my only client who's achieved incredible results.

Here are a few other things my clients have achieved over the course of coaching:

  • Created a 7-figure company that energizes them, feels authentic to who they want to be, and allows them to explore their creativity by impacting thousands of entrepreneurs around the world.
  • Freed up 15 hours every week by removing themselves as the bottleneck in their company. How valuable would freeing up 40% of your time be for you and your business?
  • Created their "perfect week," by clarifying their mission, building a product ecosystem, and aligning their life and business with their Core Value—the freedom to educate and inspire millions of people around the world to live their best lives.
  • Crafted an authentic brand narrative to position their company as the go-to authority in their niche.
  • Turned their ideas into income by productizing their expertise to help companies scale their impact.
  • Inspired people around the world to take action toward renewable energy by leveraging the power of storytelling to create a future mythology around the importance of climate tech and green initiatives.

And the one thing every client I work with develops:

The courage to put themselves and their ideas out into the world, do the work only they can do, and align their life and business with doing meaningful, purpose-driven work that fulfills them.

What Do People Say About My Coaching Skills?

 "Corey is a master at listening and asking good questions. He's developed insight from his background in psychotherapy and from being a founder himself, that he uses to seamlessly guide others with."

- Christine Carrillo
CEO Coach & Entrepreneur

"Corey has a unique and incredible blend of both expertise but importantly authenticity that makes him so powerful in his work with me.  I've thoroughly enjoyed working with him and sharing his gifts in our community and world."

- Cory Miller
Entrepreneur, Community Leader at Post Status

"Corey is as real as it gets. He is easy to talk to, genuinely interested in what you have to say and he will give you his insights straight."

- Tobi Emonts-Holley
CEO & Coach

What Do People Say About My Work?


"I think you’re one of the most thoughtful people in helping people navigate the metagame of what we’re doing. I can only imagine where you’re headed ... I’m so pumped to see where you go with all this stuff. I want people to check out your stuff and definitely support you."

- Paul Millerd

 "Your knowledge of psychology really shows and has given me a lot of insight. The way you talk is super conversational and makes me feel like I’m talking to a human, not being lectured to. Thank you for the thoughtfulness you put into your answers. I endorse what you do 100%."

- Dakota Robertson
Entrepreneur, Growth Ghost

"Corey has a way to help you find your unique path, mainly by keeping incredibly cool, and asking the right questions at the right time...he's like a personal trainer for the mind."

- Peter Buch
Founder, Stardust

"Corey is quite experienced and authentic. Never did I feel that he was peddling some wow-woo bullshit on me. Always real. Always meaningful. Always with a purpose."

- Karaminder Ghuman
Creative Entrepreneur

What Do People Say About My Other Projects?


 "Corey has cultivated the perfect course content and community to examine your life, without it turning into a navel-gazing festival."

- Christin Chong, Ph.D.
Cofounder, honeyritual

"This course is 1000% less pretentious and more accessible than any other self-improvement course.”

- Neal Ungerleider
Consultant, Ungerleider Works

""What Corey helps people realize is that the first step [to building a fulfilling life] is understanding yourself better. And what he’s really great at is getting you to self-reflect and understand yourself in order to better understand your place in the world."

- Chris Wong
Entrepreneur, Course Clubs

"I loved the practical way Corey teaches. So many other courses and training I've done, was like yeah, that's nice, I get it but now what. All the fluff and bullshit left me feeling empty...I've gotten so much clarity about what I want to do and, most importantly, how to get there."

- Sue McLachlan
Founder, The Unicorn Advisory

"Corey's frameworks, his authenticity as an educator, and experiencing the life-changing transformation in my personal life and business made ILD a course favorite for me."

- Natalie Gray

"I was surprised at how much work we were able to accomplish...It gave me a firmly-grounded launchpad, from which to be more intentional, more focused, & more productive."

- DJ Carey
Founder, Future Theory 

Start Scaling Your Income and Impact Alongside a Community of Fellow Coaches Today



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